Latakrimea and Tarturea: Taken
together, they represent the equivalent of Valhalla in ancient Putinian
mythology. The current Russian strongman Vladdie the Pu (AKA Vladdipus
Rex. See Vladdipus) has long declared his belief that Latakrimea and Tarturea
are not mythological places, and refer in fact to two ancient kingdoms that
stretched from the Black Sea all the way to the easternmost coasts of the
Mediterranean Sea. He has recently embarked on a major worldwide expedition in
search of proof for his fantastical theory dismissed by all respected
historians and archeologists.
(The) LeoCons: A
political movement dedicated to changing the world and achieving global peace
by conning lions and convincing them of the benefits of becoming sheep. Culling
is also employed in the case of “difficult” and “hard to convince” lions.
The LeoCons are ardent critics of the Shitealists.
(The) LePen: A type of
external hemorrhoid known for its unusually large size and for being filled
with a highly inflammable mixture of bile and blood resulting in a phenomenon
known as anal eruptions during bowl movements. Doctors have so far
classified the eruption types into four categories on the basis of their
frequency, intensity and malodorousness, including: Evolian, Goebbelsian, Duginian
and Breitbannonite. For reasons yet to be determined, the hemorrhoid seems to
disproportionately afflict adherents of populist ideologies.
Lenpentomimes: The name given in France to the Bannonites,
the religious sect founded by Bannon the Stiff.